I am in the process of reading three new books that I ordered independently of each other and then realized that they are all connected. The two first are: Matthew Crawford's " The world beyond your head -- on becoming an individual in an age of distraction " and Peter Korn " Why we make things and why it matters -- the education of a craftsman ". The third takes a more business or management perspective. Daniel Goleman " Focus -- the hidden driver of excellence " Even though the three authors have radically different backgrounds and perspectives they all end up discussing the kind of activities that humans can engage in that lead to a sense of well-being, identity, and self-understanding. What all of them see as a serious contemporary societal problem can be summarized with the notion of distraction or the lack of attention and focus. Crawford write: "Our changing technological environment generates a need for ever more stimulation. T...
Interaction Design, HCI, Philosophy of Design, Technology and Society