Here is a fun exercise: make a list of the knowledge contributions that HCI research has produced over the years. First some definitions: Assume that HCI research is about the interaction between humans and interactive computational objects. The human part is quite straightforward. It refers to any human being, groups, organizations or societies of human beings. The "computer" part is less clear, but to me, it makes sense to see that as interactive computational objects. Both interactive and computational seem to be part of a general understanding in our field. There are many objects that are not computational but interactive, or the other way around, but we mainly focus on those type of objects that are both. The notion of object is of course complicated. Traditionally it refers to physical machines, but it has changed and can now be any composition and manifestation of functionality that anyone sees as the part a human is interacting with. Ok, these definitions are...
Interaction Design, HCI, Philosophy of Design, Technology and Society