Well, not much....but a couple of book suggestions

Not much is happening on this blog, but I intend to change that moving forward. My last post (and copy on LinkedIn) got a lot of feedback. I have not been able to move on that yet, but I will soon. So, until then, a couple of book suggestions.

An old favorite: R. G. Collingwood's "The Idea of History." This is one of the books that has most influenced my own thinking. I read it as a PhD student, and it still sits on my desk. The important section of the book is "Part V. Epilegomena"

Another absolute favorite is chapter 2, "The Discernment of Perception: An Aristotelian Conception of Private and Public Rationality" by Martha Nussbaum in her book "Love's Knowledge"

Of course, these texts do not look as if they are about design theory, but they truly are. They touch on foundational aspects of what it means to be rational, how to evaluate quality, etc., all at the core of design.

Ok, enough for now. 

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Well, not much....but a couple of book suggestions

Not much is happening on this blog, but I intend to change that moving forward. My last post (and copy on LinkedIn) got a lot of feedback. I...