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CHI Student Design Competition--again!

As the Director of the HCI/d MS program at School of Informatics, Indiana Univeristy, I am extremely happy and proud. Our fantastic students, who have won the competition the last two years, once again dominates the competition. Out of the 12 final teams (chosen from 52 international submissions) invited to present at CHI, an impressive number of 5 teams are from our program! A big congratulations to our students!!

After four years of outstanding results in the CHI Student Design Competition it is obvious that we are doing something right with our HCI/d program. Apparently we create highly creative and innovative interaction designers, and it is a pleasure to be involved with these students in our daily work.


Anonymous said…
Det är nog för att du är där och styr upp saker! :-)
Grattis! Åker du på CHI i år?
// Kalle Jegers