After six years in Indiana, I just got all my books shipped to me from Sweden. Among the books, I found a few copies of my PhD dissertation from 1991. The title is in Swedish "Designarbetets dolda rationalitet" [in English "The Hidden Rationality of Design Work "]. It was written in Swedish. Only one chapter is translated to English. Anyway, today I read parts of it and realized two things. First, I think the text is still quite good, which is kind of a surprise. I have not read or looked at it in more than ten years, maybe more. Secondly, I realized that almost all my scholarly work I do today can be traced back to my dissertation. This is not so much of a surprise, since I know other who have the same experience. You only do research on a very small set of ideas during your lifetime.
Anyway, even though the text was published in 1991, I am thinking about translating parts of it, or maybe more correct, translate and re-write parts of the text. It might finally become a book in English :-)
Anyway, even though the text was published in 1991, I am thinking about translating parts of it, or maybe more correct, translate and re-write parts of the text. It might finally become a book in English :-)
Phoebe, thanks for the nice words. I will hopefully be able to re-work some parts of it into something readable even for non-Swedes. Or maybe it is better to keep it as a more mysterious unavailable text :-)
It's long over due. :-)
I still pick it up from time to time. Last read was ch. 6.2.
It triggered me.
Thought for a while and came to the conclusion that
Design Intuition..
"Den rätta känslan" is somewhat like Fly Fishing.
It takes a day to get up and
running but a life time
and more to master.
Kudos to you and your peers
who put down your ideas/ideals
in writing.
I imagine that your work will be read in the future...
Like "The Complete Angler". :-)
Take care ...
/Daniel (aka svph9630)